Brussels Manneke Piss Hash House Harriers

Trail location changes weekly, 
so check our Whare Next? section 
for the starting point this week!

BMPH3 (Brussels Manneke Piss Hash House Harriers) is one of the two groups of Hash House Harriers in Brussels. Whereas the Brussels H3 meets on saturdays, BMPH3 meets every Sunday all year round at 15:00 during summer time and at 14:00 during winter time.

Join us for fun, socialising, a bit of non-competitive running/jogging/walking and enjoying a beer or two!

Social Drinking in the dark and cold night is not much fun so join us for the On Inn if you want to extend your socialising hours after the circle. Food and beer at your own costs until it's time to go home. Beware of the beer monster lurking in the next bar!

As Daylight Saving Time has ended we're now meeting at 14:00 to avoid r*nning in the dark. Nothing like hashing in broad daylight! Expect shorter circles and social drinking moving indoor soon.

The predicted stampede did happen and we're now sold out. There is no waiting list this time so if you've missed booking a spot just check again with us by mid-March for cancellations.

BBBonjour Bashers!
Presenting... a BMPH3 event: the 2023 Summer Guinguette Bike Hash (BASH) where we cycle around some of the greener parts of our city, stopping off for refreshments at the conveniently located pop-up summer bars.

Founded on 16 April 1990 our club welcomes all regardless of their fitness level and provides trails of various length to suit everyone. The trail itself usually takes 1h15-1h30 to complete, and is followed by socialising and drinking some nice Belgian beers, so expect to finish around 18:00-18:30 (17:00-17:30 in winter) depending on the weather.

Make sure to bring a change of clothes, a positive attitude and a sense of humour - all three. We charge a flat fee of €7 that covers beer, water and snacks, collected prior to the trail.

Visitors from other kennels welcome!

On On!

The Brussels Manneke Piss H3

Hash House Harriers (H3): The drinking club with a running problem - worldwide

* Founded 1938 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

* 1,500 chapters now running across 169 countries